Module AssetAllocator.environments.utils
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import numpy as np
def softmax(x, axis = 0):
Helper method to calculate softmax values
# Use the LogSumExp Trick
max_val = np.amax(x, axis=axis, keepdims = True)
x = x - max_val
# Softmax
num = np.exp(x)
denum = num.sum(axis = axis, keepdims = True)
softmax = num/denum
return softmax
def log_to_simple(x):
Helper method to convert log returns to simple returns
return np.exp(np.array(x)) - 1
def simple_to_log(x):
Helper method to convert simple returns to log returns
return np.log(np.array(x) + 1)
def sharpe_ratio(return_series, N = 255, rf = 0.01, annualized = True):
Helper method to calculate sharpe ratio
mean = return_series.mean() * N -rf
sigma = return_series.std()
if annualized:
sigma *= np.sqrt(N)
return mean / sigma
def log_to_simple(x)
Helper method to convert log returns to simple returns
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def log_to_simple(x): """ Helper method to convert log returns to simple returns """ return np.exp(np.array(x)) - 1
def sharpe_ratio(return_series, N=255, rf=0.01, annualized=True)
Helper method to calculate sharpe ratio
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def sharpe_ratio(return_series, N = 255, rf = 0.01, annualized = True): """ Helper method to calculate sharpe ratio """ mean = return_series.mean() * N -rf sigma = return_series.std() if annualized: sigma *= np.sqrt(N) return mean / sigma
def simple_to_log(x)
Helper method to convert simple returns to log returns
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def simple_to_log(x): """ Helper method to convert simple returns to log returns """ return np.log(np.array(x) + 1)
def softmax(x, axis=0)
Helper method to calculate softmax values
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def softmax(x, axis = 0): """ Helper method to calculate softmax values """ # Use the LogSumExp Trick max_val = np.amax(x, axis=axis, keepdims = True) x = x - max_val # Softmax num = np.exp(x) denum = num.sum(axis = axis, keepdims = True) softmax = num/denum return softmax