Module AssetAllocator.environments.PortfolioGym
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import gym
from gym import spaces
from gym.utils import seeding
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from .utils import softmax, log_to_simple
import sys
import yfinance as yf
class PortfolioManagementGym(gym.Env):
Portfolio Management Gym
def __init__(self,
episode_length = None,
returns = True,
trading_cost_ratio = 0.001,
lookback_period = 64,
initial_investment = 1_000_000,
retain_cash = True,
random_start_range = 20,
dsr_constant = 1e-4,
add_softmax = False,
start_date = '2009-01-01',
end_date = '2022-01-01',
seed = 0):
Initializes the gym environment
data : pandas dataframe with date index and stock columnns with price data
or list of stock tickers
episode_length : how long the agent should interact with the environment
returns: If True, use log_returns as reward. Else, use sharpe ratio
trading_cost_ratio : percentage of stock price that accounts for trading costs
lookback_period : a fixed sized window, used to know how much data to return to the agent as observation
initial_investment : how much the agent wants to invest
retain_cash : bool value to tell the value whether to keep a cash value.
random_start_range : random start position for training, should be set to 0 for test
dsr_constant : smoothing parameter for differential sharpe ratio
add_softmax : bool value to tell the agent whether to soft-normalize the input action
start_date : start date for yahoo finance download
end_date : end date for yahoo finance download
seed : seed value for environment reproducibility
""" = data
self.episode_length = episode_length
self.returns = returns
self.trading_cost_ratio = trading_cost_ratio
self.lookback_period = lookback_period
self.initial_investment = initial_investment
self.retain_cash = retain_cash
self.random_start_range = random_start_range
self.dsr_constant = dsr_constant
self.add_softmax = add_softmax
self.start_date = start_date
self.end_date = end_date
if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
self.stocks_names = list(
_, self.n =
self.stocks = data
self.n = len(
action_dim = self.n + self.retain_cash
state_dim = self.lookback_period * self.n
self.start_date = start_date
self.end_date = end_date
self.observation_space = spaces.Box(np.finfo('d').min,np.finfo('d').max,shape=(state_dim,))
self.action_space = spaces.Box(0, 1, shape=(action_dim,))
def reset(self):
Resets the environment to the start state
Initial observation (array_like)
obs = self._get_new_state()
width = self.observation_space.shape[0] - len(obs)
obs = np.array(np.pad(obs, (width,0), constant_values = 0), dtype = 'float32')
return obs
def step(self, action):
Takes in an action of size action_dim
Returns the observation, reward, episode_statuss
if not self._get_done_status():
self.num_actions_taken += 1
new_state = np.array(self._get_new_state(), dtype = 'float32')
assert self.observation_space.contains(new_state), \
f'observation does not belong to space'
reward = self._get_reward()
episode_over = self._get_done_status()
info = {}
return new_state, reward, episode_over, info
def render(self):
Returns an array of simple returns, differential sharpe ratio, and available amount
return [log_to_simple(self.log_returns[-1]),
self.sharpe_ratios[-1], self.AVAILABLE_AMT]
#################################### HELPER FUNCTIONS ###########################################
def _seed(self, seed = None):
Helper method to set seed
self.np_random, self.seed = seeding.np_random(seed)
def _load_data(self):
Helper method to load the data
assert isinstance(, pd.DataFrame) or isinstance(, list), \
'Please provide a list of tickers or a dataframe'
# downloading data from yahoo finance if tickers were provided
if isinstance(, list):
prices =, start = self.start_date,
end = self.end_date, interval="1d", actions=True)
prices = prices["Adj Close"]
prices =
prices.index = pd.to_datetime(prices.index)
for col in prices.columns:
prices[col] = prices[col].astype(np.float32)
return prices
def _preprocess_data(self, df):
Helper method to preprocess the data
date_range = range(len(df))
index_to_date_map = dict(zip(date_range, df.index))
returns_df = df.pct_change().fillna(0)
return index_to_date_map, returns_df
def _initialize_env(self):
Helper method to create all the environment variables
ext_stock_list = self.stocks_names.copy() + ['Cash', 'Trading Costs']
self.weights = [dict(zip(ext_stock_list, [0]*(self.n) + [1, 0]))]
self.current_holding = [0] * self.n
self.AVAILABLE_AMT = self.initial_investment
self.CASH = self.initial_investment
self.num_actions_taken = 0
self.curr_reward = 0
self.log_returns = []
self.sharpe_ratios = []
self.date_map = None
self.prices = self._load_data()
self.date_map, self.observations = self._preprocess_data(self.prices)
self.start_day = self.np_random.choice(range(self.lookback_period,
self.lookback_period + self.random_start_range + 1))
self.end_day = min(self.start_day + self.episode_length,
len(self.prices) - 1)
def _get_new_state(self):
Helper method to return current observation state
self.current_day = self.num_actions_taken + self.start_day
state_end_day = self.current_day - 1
state_start_day = state_end_day - self.lookback_period + 1
state_start_date = self.date_map[state_start_day]
state_end_date = self.date_map[state_end_day]
state_obs = self.observations[state_start_date : state_end_date]
state_obs = np.array(np.concatenate(state_obs.fillna(0).values,
axis = 0), dtype = 'float32')
return state_obs
def _check_actions(self, action, check_dim = True):
Helper method to check validity of the actions received
if abs(sum(action) - 1) > 1e-3:
assert False, 'Wrong portfolio weights!'
if check_dim:
assert self.action_space.contains(np.array(action, dtype = 'float32')), \
f'{action} action does not belong to space'
def _compute_buyable_shares(self, budgets, prices):
"""Helper method to compute buyable shares
shares = [budget/price for budget, price in zip(budgets, prices)]
return shares
def _compute_trading_costs(self, shares_now, shares_prev, prices):
Helper method to compute trading costs
trading_costs = []
for now, prev, price in zip(shares_now, shares_prev, prices):
diff = abs(now - prev)
if diff < 1:
#print(diff, price, self.trading_cost_ratio)
trading_costs.append(diff * price * self.trading_cost_ratio)
return trading_costs
def _take_action(self, actions):
Helper method to compute effects of agent's action on environment
# For stable baseline model implementations
if isinstance(actions, tuple):
actions = actions[0]
if self.add_softmax:
actions = softmax(actions)
# Allocating Budget
if self.retain_cash:
actions_ = actions[:-1]
cash_budget_ratio = actions[-1]
actions_ = actions
cash_budget_ratio = 0
budget_allocation = [action * self.AVAILABLE_AMT \
for action in actions_]
self.CASH = cash_budget_ratio * self.AVAILABLE_AMT
# Computing Trading Costs
current_date = self.date_map[self.current_day]
prices = self.prices.loc[current_date]
buyable_shares = self._compute_buyable_shares(
trading_costs = self._compute_trading_costs(buyable_shares,
self.current_holding = buyable_shares
# Recomputing portfolio weights
total_trading_costs = sum(trading_costs)
ext_stock_list = self.stocks_names.copy() + ['Cash', 'Trading Costs']
ext_allocation = budget_allocation + [self.CASH, total_trading_costs]
total_amount = sum(ext_allocation)
portfolio_weights = {stock : allocation/total_amount \
for stock, allocation in \
zip(ext_stock_list, ext_allocation)}
self._check_actions(list(portfolio_weights.values()), check_dim = False)
assert total_trading_costs >= 0, 'Error in trading costs calculations'
self.AVAILABLE_AMT = total_amount - total_trading_costs
def _get_returns(self):
Helper method to calculate log returns
current_date = self.date_map[self.current_day]
observation = self.observations.loc[current_date]
curr_portfolio = self.weights[self.num_actions_taken]
simple_returns = 0
for stock in self.stocks_names:
simple_returns += curr_portfolio[stock] * observation[stock]
a = simple_returns * self.AVAILABLE_AMT
self.log_returns += [np.log(simple_returns + 1)]
def _get_sharpe_ratio(self):
Helper method to calculate differential sharpe ratio
if self.num_actions_taken < self.lookback_period:
S = 0
window = [log_to_simple(i) for i in self.log_returns]
S = np.nanmean(window)/np.nanstd(window) * np.sqrt(252) / len(window)
self.sharpe_ratios += [S]
def _get_reward(self):
Helper method to calculate both rewards and return one
if self.returns:
curr_reward = self.log_returns[-1]
curr_reward = self.sharpe_ratios[-1]
return curr_reward
def _get_done_status(self):
Helper method to get end state status
return self.current_day >= self.end_day
class PortfolioManagementGym (data, episode_length=None, returns=True, trading_cost_ratio=0.001, lookback_period=64, initial_investment=1000000, retain_cash=True, random_start_range=20, dsr_constant=0.0001, add_softmax=False, start_date='2009-01-01', end_date='2022-01-01', seed=0)
Portfolio Management Gym
Initializes the gym environment
data : pandas dataframe with date index and stock columnns with price data or list of stock tickers
episode_length : how long the agent should interact with the environment
- If True, use log_returns as reward. Else, use sharpe ratio
trading_cost_ratio : percentage of stock price that accounts for trading costs
lookback_period : a fixed sized window, used to know how much data to return to the agent as observation
initial_investment : how much the agent wants to invest
retain_cash : bool value to tell the value whether to keep a cash value.
random_start_range : random start position for training, should be set to 0 for test
dsr_constant : smoothing parameter for differential sharpe ratio
add_softmax : bool value to tell the agent whether to soft-normalize the input action
start_date : start date for yahoo finance download
end_date : end date for yahoo finance download
seed : seed value for environment reproducibility
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class PortfolioManagementGym(gym.Env): """ Portfolio Management Gym """ def __init__(self, data, episode_length = None, returns = True, trading_cost_ratio = 0.001, lookback_period = 64, initial_investment = 1_000_000, retain_cash = True, random_start_range = 20, dsr_constant = 1e-4, add_softmax = False, start_date = '2009-01-01', end_date = '2022-01-01', seed = 0): """ Initializes the gym environment Args: data : pandas dataframe with date index and stock columnns with price data or list of stock tickers episode_length : how long the agent should interact with the environment returns: If True, use log_returns as reward. Else, use sharpe ratio trading_cost_ratio : percentage of stock price that accounts for trading costs lookback_period : a fixed sized window, used to know how much data to return to the agent as observation initial_investment : how much the agent wants to invest retain_cash : bool value to tell the value whether to keep a cash value. random_start_range : random start position for training, should be set to 0 for test dsr_constant : smoothing parameter for differential sharpe ratio add_softmax : bool value to tell the agent whether to soft-normalize the input action start_date : start date for yahoo finance download end_date : end date for yahoo finance download seed : seed value for environment reproducibility """ = data self.episode_length = episode_length self.returns = returns self.trading_cost_ratio = trading_cost_ratio self.lookback_period = lookback_period self.initial_investment = initial_investment self.retain_cash = retain_cash self.random_start_range = random_start_range self.dsr_constant = dsr_constant self.add_softmax = add_softmax self.start_date = start_date self.end_date = end_date if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame): self.stocks_names = list( _, self.n = else: self.stocks = data self.n = len( action_dim = self.n + self.retain_cash state_dim = self.lookback_period * self.n self.start_date = start_date self.end_date = end_date self.observation_space = spaces.Box(np.finfo('d').min,np.finfo('d').max,shape=(state_dim,)) self.action_space = spaces.Box(0, 1, shape=(action_dim,)) self._seed(seed) self.reset() def reset(self): """ Resets the environment to the start state Returns: Initial observation (array_like) """ self._initialize_env() obs = self._get_new_state() width = self.observation_space.shape[0] - len(obs) obs = np.array(np.pad(obs, (width,0), constant_values = 0), dtype = 'float32') return obs def step(self, action): """ Takes in an action of size action_dim Returns the observation, reward, episode_statuss """ if not self._get_done_status(): self.num_actions_taken += 1 self._take_action(action) new_state = np.array(self._get_new_state(), dtype = 'float32') assert self.observation_space.contains(new_state), \ f'observation does not belong to space' reward = self._get_reward() episode_over = self._get_done_status() info = {} return new_state, reward, episode_over, info def render(self): """ Returns an array of simple returns, differential sharpe ratio, and available amount """ return [log_to_simple(self.log_returns[-1]), self.sharpe_ratios[-1], self.AVAILABLE_AMT] ################################################################################################# #################################### HELPER FUNCTIONS ########################################### ################################################################################################# def _seed(self, seed = None): """ Helper method to set seed """ self.np_random, self.seed = seeding.np_random(seed) def _load_data(self): """ Helper method to load the data """ assert isinstance(, pd.DataFrame) or isinstance(, list), \ 'Please provide a list of tickers or a dataframe' # downloading data from yahoo finance if tickers were provided if isinstance(, list): prices =, start = self.start_date, end = self.end_date, interval="1d", actions=True) prices.dropna(inplace=True) prices = prices["Adj Close"] else: prices = prices.dropna(inplace=True) prices.index = pd.to_datetime(prices.index) for col in prices.columns: prices[col] = prices[col].astype(np.float32) return prices def _preprocess_data(self, df): """ Helper method to preprocess the data """ date_range = range(len(df)) index_to_date_map = dict(zip(date_range, df.index)) returns_df = df.pct_change().fillna(0) return index_to_date_map, returns_df def _initialize_env(self): """ Helper method to create all the environment variables """ ext_stock_list = self.stocks_names.copy() + ['Cash', 'Trading Costs'] self.weights = [dict(zip(ext_stock_list, [0]*(self.n) + [1, 0]))] self.current_holding = [0] * self.n self.AVAILABLE_AMT = self.initial_investment self.CASH = self.initial_investment self.num_actions_taken = 0 self.curr_reward = 0 self.log_returns = [] self.sharpe_ratios = [] self.date_map = None self.prices = self._load_data() self.date_map, self.observations = self._preprocess_data(self.prices) self.start_day = self.np_random.choice(range(self.lookback_period, self.lookback_period + self.random_start_range + 1)) self.end_day = min(self.start_day + self.episode_length, len(self.prices) - 1) def _get_new_state(self): """ Helper method to return current observation state """ self.current_day = self.num_actions_taken + self.start_day state_end_day = self.current_day - 1 state_start_day = state_end_day - self.lookback_period + 1 state_start_date = self.date_map[state_start_day] state_end_date = self.date_map[state_end_day] state_obs = self.observations[state_start_date : state_end_date] state_obs = np.array(np.concatenate(state_obs.fillna(0).values, axis = 0), dtype = 'float32') return state_obs def _check_actions(self, action, check_dim = True): """ Helper method to check validity of the actions received """ if abs(sum(action) - 1) > 1e-3: print(action) assert False, 'Wrong portfolio weights!' if check_dim: assert self.action_space.contains(np.array(action, dtype = 'float32')), \ f'{action} action does not belong to space' def _compute_buyable_shares(self, budgets, prices): """Helper method to compute buyable shares """ shares = [budget/price for budget, price in zip(budgets, prices)] return shares def _compute_trading_costs(self, shares_now, shares_prev, prices): """ Helper method to compute trading costs """ trading_costs = [] for now, prev, price in zip(shares_now, shares_prev, prices): diff = abs(now - prev) if diff < 1: trading_costs.append(0) else: #print(diff, price, self.trading_cost_ratio) trading_costs.append(diff * price * self.trading_cost_ratio) return trading_costs def _take_action(self, actions): """ Helper method to compute effects of agent's action on environment """ # For stable baseline model implementations if isinstance(actions, tuple): actions = actions[0] if self.add_softmax: actions = softmax(actions) self._check_actions(actions) # Allocating Budget if self.retain_cash: actions_ = actions[:-1] cash_budget_ratio = actions[-1] else: actions_ = actions cash_budget_ratio = 0 budget_allocation = [action * self.AVAILABLE_AMT \ for action in actions_] self.CASH = cash_budget_ratio * self.AVAILABLE_AMT # Computing Trading Costs current_date = self.date_map[self.current_day] prices = self.prices.loc[current_date] buyable_shares = self._compute_buyable_shares( budget_allocation, prices) trading_costs = self._compute_trading_costs(buyable_shares, self.current_holding, list(prices.values)) self.current_holding = buyable_shares # Recomputing portfolio weights total_trading_costs = sum(trading_costs) ext_stock_list = self.stocks_names.copy() + ['Cash', 'Trading Costs'] ext_allocation = budget_allocation + [self.CASH, total_trading_costs] total_amount = sum(ext_allocation) portfolio_weights = {stock : allocation/total_amount \ for stock, allocation in \ zip(ext_stock_list, ext_allocation)} self._check_actions(list(portfolio_weights.values()), check_dim = False) self.weights.append(portfolio_weights) assert total_trading_costs >= 0, 'Error in trading costs calculations' self.AVAILABLE_AMT = total_amount - total_trading_costs def _get_returns(self): """ Helper method to calculate log returns """ current_date = self.date_map[self.current_day] observation = self.observations.loc[current_date] curr_portfolio = self.weights[self.num_actions_taken] simple_returns = 0 for stock in self.stocks_names: simple_returns += curr_portfolio[stock] * observation[stock] a = simple_returns * self.AVAILABLE_AMT self.AVAILABLE_AMT += a self.log_returns += [np.log(simple_returns + 1)] def _get_sharpe_ratio(self): """ Helper method to calculate differential sharpe ratio """ if self.num_actions_taken < self.lookback_period: S = 0 else: window = [log_to_simple(i) for i in self.log_returns] S = np.nanmean(window)/np.nanstd(window) * np.sqrt(252) / len(window) self.sharpe_ratios += [S] def _get_reward(self): """ Helper method to calculate both rewards and return one """ self._get_returns() self._get_sharpe_ratio() if self.returns: curr_reward = self.log_returns[-1] else: curr_reward = self.sharpe_ratios[-1] return curr_reward def _get_done_status(self): """ Helper method to get end state status """ return self.current_day >= self.end_day
- gym.core.Env
def render(self)
Returns an array of simple returns, differential sharpe ratio, and available amount
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def render(self): """ Returns an array of simple returns, differential sharpe ratio, and available amount """ return [log_to_simple(self.log_returns[-1]), self.sharpe_ratios[-1], self.AVAILABLE_AMT]
def reset(self)
Resets the environment to the start state
Initial observation (array_like)
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def reset(self): """ Resets the environment to the start state Returns: Initial observation (array_like) """ self._initialize_env() obs = self._get_new_state() width = self.observation_space.shape[0] - len(obs) obs = np.array(np.pad(obs, (width,0), constant_values = 0), dtype = 'float32') return obs
def step(self, action)
Takes in an action of size action_dim Returns the observation, reward, episode_statuss
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def step(self, action): """ Takes in an action of size action_dim Returns the observation, reward, episode_statuss """ if not self._get_done_status(): self.num_actions_taken += 1 self._take_action(action) new_state = np.array(self._get_new_state(), dtype = 'float32') assert self.observation_space.contains(new_state), \ f'observation does not belong to space' reward = self._get_reward() episode_over = self._get_done_status() info = {} return new_state, reward, episode_over, info