Module AssetAllocator.algorithms.PPO.agent
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import numpy as np
import time
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.optim import Adam
from torch.distributions import MultivariateNormal
import torch.nn.functional as F
class PPOAgent:
This is the agent class for the Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithm.
Original paper can be found at
This implementation was adapted from
def __init__(self, env, device = 'cuda', timesteps_per_batch = 50_000, max_timesteps_per_episode = 2_000,
n_updates_per_iteration = 5, lr = 0.005, gamma = 0.95, clip = 0.2,
render = False, seed = None):
Initializes the PPO model, including hyperparameters.
policy_class - the policy class to use for our actor/critic networks.
env (PortfolioGymEnv): instance of environment
hyperparameters - all extra arguments passed into PPO that should be hyperparameters.
# Initialize hyperparameters for training with PPO
# Initialize default values for hyperparameters
# Algorithm hyperparameters
self.timesteps_per_batch = timesteps_per_batch # Number of timesteps to run per batch
self.max_timesteps_per_episode = max_timesteps_per_episode # Max number of timesteps per episode
self.n_updates_per_iteration = n_updates_per_iteration # No of times to update actor/critic per iteration = lr # Learning rate of actor optimizer
self.gamma = gamma # Discount factor to be applied when calculating Rewards-To-Go
self.clip = clip # Recommended 0.2, helps define the threshold to clip the ratio during SGA
# Miscellaneous parameters
self.render = render
self.seed = seed
# Sets the seed if specified
if self.seed != None:
# Check if our seed is valid first
assert(type(self.seed) == int)
# Set the seed
print(f"Successfully set seed to {self.seed}")
self.device = device
# Extract environment information
self.env = env
self.obs_dim = env.observation_space.shape[0]
self.act_dim = env.action_space.shape[0]
# Initialize actor and critic networks = FeedForwardNN(self.obs_dim, self.act_dim, device).to(device) # ALG STEP 1
self.critic = FeedForwardNN(self.obs_dim, 1, device).to(device)
# Initialize optimizers for actor and critic
self.actor_optim = Adam(,
self.critic_optim = Adam(self.critic.parameters(),
# Initialize the covariance matrix used to query the actor for actions
self.cov_var = torch.full(size=(self.act_dim,), fill_value=0.5)
self.cov_mat = torch.diag(self.cov_var)
# This logger will help us with printing out summaries of each iteration
self.logger = {
'delta_t': time.time_ns(),
't_so_far': 0, # timesteps so far
'i_so_far': 0, # iterations so far
'batch_lens': [], # episodic lengths in batch
'batch_rews': [], # episodic returns in batch
'actor_losses': [], # losses of actor network in current iteration
def learn(self, timesteps, print_every = 1):
Train the actor and critic networks. Here is where the main PPO algorithm resides.
total_timesteps - the total number of timesteps to train for
print_every (int): Verbosity control
print(f"Learning... Running {self.max_timesteps_per_episode} timesteps per episode, ", end='')
print(f"{self.timesteps_per_batch} timesteps per batch for a total of {timesteps} timesteps")
t_so_far = 0 # Timesteps simulated so far
i_so_far = 0 # Iterations ran so far
self.print_every = print_every
while t_so_far < timesteps: # ALG STEP 2
# We collect our batch simulations here
batch_obs, batch_acts, batch_log_probs, batch_rtgs, batch_lens = self.step() # ALG STEP 3
# Calculate how many timesteps we collected this batch
t_so_far += np.sum(batch_lens)
# Increment the number of iterations
i_so_far += 1
# Logging timesteps so far and iterations so far
self.logger['t_so_far'] = t_so_far
self.logger['i_so_far'] = i_so_far
# Calculate advantage at k-th iteration
V, _ = self.evaluate(batch_obs, batch_acts)
A_k = batch_rtgs - V.detach() # ALG STEP 5
A_k = (A_k - A_k.mean()) / (A_k.std() + 1e-10)
# This is the loop where we update our network for some n epochs
for _ in range(self.n_updates_per_iteration): # ALG STEP 6 & 7
# Calculate V_phi and pi_theta(a_t | s_t)
V, curr_log_probs = self.evaluate(batch_obs, batch_acts)
# Calculate the ratio pi_theta(a_t | s_t) / pi_theta_k(a_t | s_t)
# NOTE: we just subtract the logs, which is the same as
# dividing the values and then canceling the log with e^log.
# For why we use log probabilities instead of actual probabilities,
# here's a great explanation:
# TL;DR makes gradient ascent easier behind the scenes.
ratios = torch.exp(curr_log_probs - batch_log_probs)
# Calculate surrogate losses.
surr1 = ratios * A_k
surr2 = torch.clamp(ratios, 1 - self.clip, 1 + self.clip) * A_k
# Calculate actor and critic losses.
# NOTE: we take the negative min of the surrogate losses because we're trying to maximize
# the performance function, but Adam minimizes the loss. So minimizing the negative
# performance function maximizes it.
actor_loss = (-torch.min(surr1, surr2)).mean()
critic_loss = nn.MSELoss()(V, batch_rtgs)
# Calculate gradients and perform backward propagation for actor network
# Calculate gradients and perform backward propagation for critic network
# Log actor loss
def save(self):
Saves trained model
""", './ppo_actor.pth'), './ppo_critic.pth')
def step(self):
This is where we collect the batch of data from simulation.
Since this is an on-policy algorithm, we'll need to collect a fresh batch
of data each time we iterate the actor/critic networks.
batch_obs - the observations collected this batch. Shape: (number of timesteps, dimension of observation)
batch_acts - the actions collected this batch. Shape: (number of timesteps, dimension of action)
batch_log_probs - the log probabilities of each action taken this batch. Shape: (number of timesteps)
batch_rtgs - the Rewards-To-Go of each timestep in this batch. Shape: (number of timesteps)
batch_lens - the lengths of each episode this batch. Shape: (number of episodes)
# Batch data. For more details, check function header.
batch_obs = []
batch_acts = []
batch_log_probs = []
batch_rews = []
batch_rtgs = []
batch_lens = []
# Episodic data. Keeps track of rewards per episode, will get cleared
# upon each new episode
ep_rews = []
t = 0 # Keeps track of how many timesteps we've run so far this batch
flag = False
count_of_dones = 0
# Keep simulating until we've run more than or equal to specified timesteps per batch
while t < self.timesteps_per_batch:
ep_rews = [] # rewards collected per episode
# Reset the environment. Note that obs is short for observation.
obs = self.env.reset()
done = False
# Run an episode for a maximum of max_timesteps_per_episode timesteps
for ep_t in range(self.max_timesteps_per_episode):
# If render is specified, render the environment
if self.render and (self.logger['i_so_far'] % self.render_every_i == 0) and len(batch_lens) == 0:
t += 1 # Increment timesteps ran this batch so far
# Track observations in this batch
# Calculate action and make a step in the env.
# Note that rew is short for reward.
action, log_prob = self.get_action(obs)
action = torch.nn.Softmax(dim = 0)(torch.Tensor(action)).numpy()
obs, rew, done, _ = self.env.step(action)
# Track recent reward, action, and action log probability
# If the environment tells us the episode is terminated, break
if done:
count_of_dones += 1
flag = True
if flag and count_of_dones % self.print_every == 0:
count_of_dones += 1
flag = False
print(f'Score at timestep {t}: {sum(ep_rews)}.')
# Track episodic lengths and rewards
batch_lens.append(ep_t + 1)
# Reshape data as tensors in the shape specified in function description, before returning
batch_obs = torch.tensor(np.array(batch_obs), dtype=torch.float)
batch_acts = torch.tensor(np.array(batch_acts), dtype=torch.float)
batch_log_probs = torch.tensor(np.array(batch_log_probs), dtype=torch.float)
batch_rtgs = self.compute_rtgs(batch_rews) # ALG STEP 4
# Log the episodic returns and episodic lengths in this batch.
self.logger['batch_rews'] = batch_rews
self.logger['batch_lens'] = batch_lens
return batch_obs, batch_acts, batch_log_probs, batch_rtgs, batch_lens
def load(env, actor_model):
Load trained model
actor_model : folder path to save the agent
# Extract out dimensions of observation and action spaces
obs_dim = env.observation_space.shape[0]
act_dim = env.action_space.shape[0]
# Build our policy the same way we build our actor model in PPO
policy = FeedForwardNN(obs_dim, act_dim)
# Load in the actor model saved by the PPO algorithm
def compute_rtgs(self, batch_rews):
Compute the Reward-To-Go of each timestep in a batch given the rewards.
batch_rews - the rewards in a batch, Shape: (number of episodes, number of timesteps per episode)
batch_rtgs - the rewards to go, Shape: (number of timesteps in batch)
# The rewards-to-go (rtg) per episode per batch to return.
# The shape will be (num timesteps per episode)
batch_rtgs = []
# Iterate through each episode
for ep_rews in reversed(batch_rews):
discounted_reward = 0 # The discounted reward so far
# Iterate through all rewards in the episode. We go backwards for smoother calculation of each
# discounted return (think about why it would be harder starting from the beginning)
for rew in reversed(ep_rews):
discounted_reward = rew + discounted_reward * self.gamma
batch_rtgs.insert(0, discounted_reward)
# Convert the rewards-to-go into a tensor
batch_rtgs = torch.tensor(batch_rtgs, dtype=torch.float)
return batch_rtgs
def predict(self, state):
Queries an action from the actor network, should be called from step.
state - the observation at the current timestep
action - the action to take, as a numpy array
action, _ = self.get_action(state)
return torch.nn.Softmax(dim = 0)(torch.Tensor(action)).numpy()
def get_action(self, obs):
Queries an action from the actor network, should be called from step.
obs - the observation at the current timestep
action - the action to take, as a numpy array
log_prob - the log probability of the selected action in the distribution
# Query the actor network for a mean action
mean =
# Create a distribution with the mean action and std from the covariance matrix above.
# For more information on how this distribution works, check out Andrew Ng's lecture on it:
dist = MultivariateNormal(,
# Sample an action from the distribution
action = dist.sample()
# Calculate the log probability for that action
log_prob = dist.log_prob(action)
# Return the sampled action and the log probability of that action in our distribution
return action.detach().cpu().numpy(), log_prob.detach()
def evaluate(self, batch_obs, batch_acts):
Estimate the values of each observation, and the log probs of
each action in the most recent batch with the most recent
iteration of the actor network. Should be called from learn.
batch_obs - the observations from the most recently collected batch as a tensor.
Shape: (number of timesteps in batch, dimension of observation)
batch_acts - the actions from the most recently collected batch as a tensor.
Shape: (number of timesteps in batch, dimension of action)
V - the predicted values of batch_obs
log_probs - the log probabilities of the actions taken in batch_acts given batch_obs
# Query critic network for a value V for each batch_obs. Shape of V should be same as batch_rtgs
V = self.critic(batch_obs).squeeze()
# Calculate the log probabilities of batch actions using most recent actor network.
# This segment of code is similar to that in get_action()
mean =
dist = MultivariateNormal(mean, self.cov_mat)
log_probs = dist.log_prob(batch_acts)
# Return the value vector V of each observation in the batch
# and log probabilities log_probs of each action in the batch
return V, log_probs
class FeedForwardNN(nn.Module):
A standard in_dim-64-64-out_dim Feed Forward Neural Network.
def __init__(self, in_dim, out_dim, device = 'cuda'):
Initialize the network and set up the layers.
in_dim - input dimensions as an int
out_dim - output dimensions as an int
super(FeedForwardNN, self).__init__()
self.device = device
self.layer1 = nn.Linear(in_dim, 64)
self.layer2 = nn.Linear(64, 64)
self.layer3 = nn.Linear(64, out_dim)
def forward(self, obs):
Runs a forward pass on the neural network.
obs - observation to pass as input
output - the output of our forward pass
# Convert observation to tensor if it's a numpy array
if isinstance(obs, np.ndarray):
obs = torch.tensor(obs, dtype=torch.float).to(self.device)
activation1 = F.relu(self.layer1(obs))
activation2 = F.relu(self.layer2(activation1))
output = self.layer3(activation2)
return output
class FeedForwardNN (in_dim, out_dim, device='cuda')
A standard in_dim-64-64-out_dim Feed Forward Neural Network.
Initialize the network and set up the layers.
in_dim - input dimensions as an int out_dim - output dimensions as an int
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class FeedForwardNN(nn.Module): """ A standard in_dim-64-64-out_dim Feed Forward Neural Network. """ def __init__(self, in_dim, out_dim, device = 'cuda'): """ Initialize the network and set up the layers. Parameters: in_dim - input dimensions as an int out_dim - output dimensions as an int Return: None """ super(FeedForwardNN, self).__init__() self.device = device self.layer1 = nn.Linear(in_dim, 64) self.layer2 = nn.Linear(64, 64) self.layer3 = nn.Linear(64, out_dim) def forward(self, obs): """ Runs a forward pass on the neural network. Parameters: obs - observation to pass as input Return: output - the output of our forward pass """ # Convert observation to tensor if it's a numpy array if isinstance(obs, np.ndarray): obs = torch.tensor(obs, dtype=torch.float).to(self.device) activation1 = F.relu(self.layer1(obs)) activation2 = F.relu(self.layer2(activation1)) output = self.layer3(activation2) return output
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
Class variables
var dump_patches : bool
var training : bool
def forward(self, obs) ‑> Callable[..., Any]
Runs a forward pass on the neural network.
obs - observation to pass as input
output - the output of our forward pass
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def forward(self, obs): """ Runs a forward pass on the neural network. Parameters: obs - observation to pass as input Return: output - the output of our forward pass """ # Convert observation to tensor if it's a numpy array if isinstance(obs, np.ndarray): obs = torch.tensor(obs, dtype=torch.float).to(self.device) activation1 = F.relu(self.layer1(obs)) activation2 = F.relu(self.layer2(activation1)) output = self.layer3(activation2) return output
class PPOAgent (env, device='cuda', timesteps_per_batch=50000, max_timesteps_per_episode=2000, n_updates_per_iteration=5, lr=0.005, gamma=0.95, clip=0.2, render=False, seed=None)
This is the agent class for the Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithm.
Original paper can be found at
This implementation was adapted from
Initializes the PPO model, including hyperparameters.
policy_class - the policy class to use for our actor/critic networks. env (PortfolioGymEnv): instance of environment hyperparameters - all extra arguments passed into PPO that should be hyperparameters.
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class PPOAgent: """ This is the agent class for the Proximal Policy Optimization Algorithm. Original paper can be found at This implementation was adapted from """ def __init__(self, env, device = 'cuda', timesteps_per_batch = 50_000, max_timesteps_per_episode = 2_000, n_updates_per_iteration = 5, lr = 0.005, gamma = 0.95, clip = 0.2, render = False, seed = None): """ Initializes the PPO model, including hyperparameters. Parameters: ========== policy_class - the policy class to use for our actor/critic networks. env (PortfolioGymEnv): instance of environment hyperparameters - all extra arguments passed into PPO that should be hyperparameters. Returns: None """ # Initialize hyperparameters for training with PPO # Initialize default values for hyperparameters # Algorithm hyperparameters self.timesteps_per_batch = timesteps_per_batch # Number of timesteps to run per batch self.max_timesteps_per_episode = max_timesteps_per_episode # Max number of timesteps per episode self.n_updates_per_iteration = n_updates_per_iteration # No of times to update actor/critic per iteration = lr # Learning rate of actor optimizer self.gamma = gamma # Discount factor to be applied when calculating Rewards-To-Go self.clip = clip # Recommended 0.2, helps define the threshold to clip the ratio during SGA # Miscellaneous parameters self.render = render self.seed = seed # Sets the seed if specified if self.seed != None: # Check if our seed is valid first assert(type(self.seed) == int) # Set the seed torch.manual_seed(self.seed) print(f"Successfully set seed to {self.seed}") self.device = device # Extract environment information self.env = env self.obs_dim = env.observation_space.shape[0] self.act_dim = env.action_space.shape[0] # Initialize actor and critic networks = FeedForwardNN(self.obs_dim, self.act_dim, device).to(device) # ALG STEP 1 self.critic = FeedForwardNN(self.obs_dim, 1, device).to(device) # Initialize optimizers for actor and critic self.actor_optim = Adam(, self.critic_optim = Adam(self.critic.parameters(), # Initialize the covariance matrix used to query the actor for actions self.cov_var = torch.full(size=(self.act_dim,), fill_value=0.5) self.cov_mat = torch.diag(self.cov_var) # This logger will help us with printing out summaries of each iteration self.logger = { 'delta_t': time.time_ns(), 't_so_far': 0, # timesteps so far 'i_so_far': 0, # iterations so far 'batch_lens': [], # episodic lengths in batch 'batch_rews': [], # episodic returns in batch 'actor_losses': [], # losses of actor network in current iteration } def learn(self, timesteps, print_every = 1): """ Train the actor and critic networks. Here is where the main PPO algorithm resides. Parameters: =========== total_timesteps - the total number of timesteps to train for print_every (int): Verbosity control Return: None """ print(f"Learning... Running {self.max_timesteps_per_episode} timesteps per episode, ", end='') print(f"{self.timesteps_per_batch} timesteps per batch for a total of {timesteps} timesteps") t_so_far = 0 # Timesteps simulated so far i_so_far = 0 # Iterations ran so far self.print_every = print_every while t_so_far < timesteps: # ALG STEP 2 # We collect our batch simulations here batch_obs, batch_acts, batch_log_probs, batch_rtgs, batch_lens = self.step() # ALG STEP 3 # Calculate how many timesteps we collected this batch t_so_far += np.sum(batch_lens) # Increment the number of iterations i_so_far += 1 # Logging timesteps so far and iterations so far self.logger['t_so_far'] = t_so_far self.logger['i_so_far'] = i_so_far # Calculate advantage at k-th iteration V, _ = self.evaluate(batch_obs, batch_acts) A_k = batch_rtgs - V.detach() # ALG STEP 5 A_k = (A_k - A_k.mean()) / (A_k.std() + 1e-10) # This is the loop where we update our network for some n epochs for _ in range(self.n_updates_per_iteration): # ALG STEP 6 & 7 # Calculate V_phi and pi_theta(a_t | s_t) V, curr_log_probs = self.evaluate(batch_obs, batch_acts) # Calculate the ratio pi_theta(a_t | s_t) / pi_theta_k(a_t | s_t) # NOTE: we just subtract the logs, which is the same as # dividing the values and then canceling the log with e^log. # For why we use log probabilities instead of actual probabilities, # here's a great explanation: # # TL;DR makes gradient ascent easier behind the scenes. ratios = torch.exp(curr_log_probs - batch_log_probs) # Calculate surrogate losses. surr1 = ratios * A_k surr2 = torch.clamp(ratios, 1 - self.clip, 1 + self.clip) * A_k # Calculate actor and critic losses. # NOTE: we take the negative min of the surrogate losses because we're trying to maximize # the performance function, but Adam minimizes the loss. So minimizing the negative # performance function maximizes it. actor_loss = (-torch.min(surr1, surr2)).mean() critic_loss = nn.MSELoss()(V, batch_rtgs) # Calculate gradients and perform backward propagation for actor network self.actor_optim.zero_grad() actor_loss.backward(retain_graph=True) self.actor_optim.step() # Calculate gradients and perform backward propagation for critic network self.critic_optim.zero_grad() critic_loss.backward() self.critic_optim.step() # Log actor loss self.logger['actor_losses'].append(actor_loss.detach()) def save(self): """ Saves trained model Parameters: None """, './ppo_actor.pth'), './ppo_critic.pth') def step(self): """ This is where we collect the batch of data from simulation. Since this is an on-policy algorithm, we'll need to collect a fresh batch of data each time we iterate the actor/critic networks. Parameters: None Return: batch_obs - the observations collected this batch. Shape: (number of timesteps, dimension of observation) batch_acts - the actions collected this batch. Shape: (number of timesteps, dimension of action) batch_log_probs - the log probabilities of each action taken this batch. Shape: (number of timesteps) batch_rtgs - the Rewards-To-Go of each timestep in this batch. Shape: (number of timesteps) batch_lens - the lengths of each episode this batch. Shape: (number of episodes) """ # Batch data. For more details, check function header. batch_obs = [] batch_acts = [] batch_log_probs = [] batch_rews = [] batch_rtgs = [] batch_lens = [] # Episodic data. Keeps track of rewards per episode, will get cleared # upon each new episode ep_rews = [] t = 0 # Keeps track of how many timesteps we've run so far this batch flag = False count_of_dones = 0 # Keep simulating until we've run more than or equal to specified timesteps per batch while t < self.timesteps_per_batch: ep_rews = [] # rewards collected per episode # Reset the environment. Note that obs is short for observation. obs = self.env.reset() done = False # Run an episode for a maximum of max_timesteps_per_episode timesteps for ep_t in range(self.max_timesteps_per_episode): # If render is specified, render the environment if self.render and (self.logger['i_so_far'] % self.render_every_i == 0) and len(batch_lens) == 0: self.env.render() t += 1 # Increment timesteps ran this batch so far # Track observations in this batch batch_obs.append(obs) # Calculate action and make a step in the env. # Note that rew is short for reward. action, log_prob = self.get_action(obs) action = torch.nn.Softmax(dim = 0)(torch.Tensor(action)).numpy() obs, rew, done, _ = self.env.step(action) # Track recent reward, action, and action log probability ep_rews.append(rew) batch_acts.append(action) batch_log_probs.append(log_prob) # If the environment tells us the episode is terminated, break if done: count_of_dones += 1 flag = True break if flag and count_of_dones % self.print_every == 0: count_of_dones += 1 flag = False print(f'Score at timestep {t}: {sum(ep_rews)}.') # Track episodic lengths and rewards batch_lens.append(ep_t + 1) batch_rews.append(ep_rews) # Reshape data as tensors in the shape specified in function description, before returning batch_obs = torch.tensor(np.array(batch_obs), dtype=torch.float) batch_acts = torch.tensor(np.array(batch_acts), dtype=torch.float) batch_log_probs = torch.tensor(np.array(batch_log_probs), dtype=torch.float) batch_rtgs = self.compute_rtgs(batch_rews) # ALG STEP 4 # Log the episodic returns and episodic lengths in this batch. self.logger['batch_rews'] = batch_rews self.logger['batch_lens'] = batch_lens return batch_obs, batch_acts, batch_log_probs, batch_rtgs, batch_lens def load(env, actor_model): """ Load trained model Params ===== actor_model : folder path to save the agent """ # Extract out dimensions of observation and action spaces obs_dim = env.observation_space.shape[0] act_dim = env.action_space.shape[0] # Build our policy the same way we build our actor model in PPO policy = FeedForwardNN(obs_dim, act_dim) # Load in the actor model saved by the PPO algorithm policy.load_state_dict(torch.load(actor_model)) def compute_rtgs(self, batch_rews): """ Compute the Reward-To-Go of each timestep in a batch given the rewards. Parameters: batch_rews - the rewards in a batch, Shape: (number of episodes, number of timesteps per episode) Return: batch_rtgs - the rewards to go, Shape: (number of timesteps in batch) """ # The rewards-to-go (rtg) per episode per batch to return. # The shape will be (num timesteps per episode) batch_rtgs = [] # Iterate through each episode for ep_rews in reversed(batch_rews): discounted_reward = 0 # The discounted reward so far # Iterate through all rewards in the episode. We go backwards for smoother calculation of each # discounted return (think about why it would be harder starting from the beginning) for rew in reversed(ep_rews): discounted_reward = rew + discounted_reward * self.gamma batch_rtgs.insert(0, discounted_reward) # Convert the rewards-to-go into a tensor batch_rtgs = torch.tensor(batch_rtgs, dtype=torch.float) return batch_rtgs def predict(self, state): """ Queries an action from the actor network, should be called from step. Parameters: state - the observation at the current timestep Return: action - the action to take, as a numpy array """ action, _ = self.get_action(state) return torch.nn.Softmax(dim = 0)(torch.Tensor(action)).numpy() def get_action(self, obs): """ Queries an action from the actor network, should be called from step. Parameters: obs - the observation at the current timestep Return: action - the action to take, as a numpy array log_prob - the log probability of the selected action in the distribution """ # Query the actor network for a mean action mean = # Create a distribution with the mean action and std from the covariance matrix above. # For more information on how this distribution works, check out Andrew Ng's lecture on it: # dist = MultivariateNormal(, # Sample an action from the distribution action = dist.sample() # Calculate the log probability for that action log_prob = dist.log_prob(action) # Return the sampled action and the log probability of that action in our distribution return action.detach().cpu().numpy(), log_prob.detach() def evaluate(self, batch_obs, batch_acts): """ Estimate the values of each observation, and the log probs of each action in the most recent batch with the most recent iteration of the actor network. Should be called from learn. Parameters: batch_obs - the observations from the most recently collected batch as a tensor. Shape: (number of timesteps in batch, dimension of observation) batch_acts - the actions from the most recently collected batch as a tensor. Shape: (number of timesteps in batch, dimension of action) Return: V - the predicted values of batch_obs log_probs - the log probabilities of the actions taken in batch_acts given batch_obs """ # Query critic network for a value V for each batch_obs. Shape of V should be same as batch_rtgs V = self.critic(batch_obs).squeeze() # Calculate the log probabilities of batch actions using most recent actor network. # This segment of code is similar to that in get_action() mean = dist = MultivariateNormal(mean, self.cov_mat) log_probs = dist.log_prob(batch_acts) # Return the value vector V of each observation in the batch # and log probabilities log_probs of each action in the batch return V, log_probs
def compute_rtgs(self, batch_rews)
Compute the Reward-To-Go of each timestep in a batch given the rewards.
batch_rews - the rewards in a batch, Shape: (number of episodes, number of timesteps per episode)
batch_rtgs - the rewards to go, Shape: (number of timesteps in batch)
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def compute_rtgs(self, batch_rews): """ Compute the Reward-To-Go of each timestep in a batch given the rewards. Parameters: batch_rews - the rewards in a batch, Shape: (number of episodes, number of timesteps per episode) Return: batch_rtgs - the rewards to go, Shape: (number of timesteps in batch) """ # The rewards-to-go (rtg) per episode per batch to return. # The shape will be (num timesteps per episode) batch_rtgs = [] # Iterate through each episode for ep_rews in reversed(batch_rews): discounted_reward = 0 # The discounted reward so far # Iterate through all rewards in the episode. We go backwards for smoother calculation of each # discounted return (think about why it would be harder starting from the beginning) for rew in reversed(ep_rews): discounted_reward = rew + discounted_reward * self.gamma batch_rtgs.insert(0, discounted_reward) # Convert the rewards-to-go into a tensor batch_rtgs = torch.tensor(batch_rtgs, dtype=torch.float) return batch_rtgs
def evaluate(self, batch_obs, batch_acts)
Estimate the values of each observation, and the log probs of each action in the most recent batch with the most recent iteration of the actor network. Should be called from learn.
batch_obs - the observations from the most recently collected batch as a tensor. Shape: (number of timesteps in batch, dimension of observation) batch_acts - the actions from the most recently collected batch as a tensor. Shape: (number of timesteps in batch, dimension of action)
V - the predicted values of batch_obs log_probs - the log probabilities of the actions taken in batch_acts given batch_obs
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def evaluate(self, batch_obs, batch_acts): """ Estimate the values of each observation, and the log probs of each action in the most recent batch with the most recent iteration of the actor network. Should be called from learn. Parameters: batch_obs - the observations from the most recently collected batch as a tensor. Shape: (number of timesteps in batch, dimension of observation) batch_acts - the actions from the most recently collected batch as a tensor. Shape: (number of timesteps in batch, dimension of action) Return: V - the predicted values of batch_obs log_probs - the log probabilities of the actions taken in batch_acts given batch_obs """ # Query critic network for a value V for each batch_obs. Shape of V should be same as batch_rtgs V = self.critic(batch_obs).squeeze() # Calculate the log probabilities of batch actions using most recent actor network. # This segment of code is similar to that in get_action() mean = dist = MultivariateNormal(mean, self.cov_mat) log_probs = dist.log_prob(batch_acts) # Return the value vector V of each observation in the batch # and log probabilities log_probs of each action in the batch return V, log_probs
def get_action(self, obs)
Queries an action from the actor network, should be called from step.
obs - the observation at the current timestep
action - the action to take, as a numpy array log_prob - the log probability of the selected action in the distribution
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def get_action(self, obs): """ Queries an action from the actor network, should be called from step. Parameters: obs - the observation at the current timestep Return: action - the action to take, as a numpy array log_prob - the log probability of the selected action in the distribution """ # Query the actor network for a mean action mean = # Create a distribution with the mean action and std from the covariance matrix above. # For more information on how this distribution works, check out Andrew Ng's lecture on it: # dist = MultivariateNormal(, # Sample an action from the distribution action = dist.sample() # Calculate the log probability for that action log_prob = dist.log_prob(action) # Return the sampled action and the log probability of that action in our distribution return action.detach().cpu().numpy(), log_prob.detach()
def learn(self, timesteps, print_every=1)
Train the actor and critic networks. Here is where the main PPO algorithm resides.
total_timesteps - the total number of timesteps to train for
print_every (int): Verbosity control
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def learn(self, timesteps, print_every = 1): """ Train the actor and critic networks. Here is where the main PPO algorithm resides. Parameters: =========== total_timesteps - the total number of timesteps to train for print_every (int): Verbosity control Return: None """ print(f"Learning... Running {self.max_timesteps_per_episode} timesteps per episode, ", end='') print(f"{self.timesteps_per_batch} timesteps per batch for a total of {timesteps} timesteps") t_so_far = 0 # Timesteps simulated so far i_so_far = 0 # Iterations ran so far self.print_every = print_every while t_so_far < timesteps: # ALG STEP 2 # We collect our batch simulations here batch_obs, batch_acts, batch_log_probs, batch_rtgs, batch_lens = self.step() # ALG STEP 3 # Calculate how many timesteps we collected this batch t_so_far += np.sum(batch_lens) # Increment the number of iterations i_so_far += 1 # Logging timesteps so far and iterations so far self.logger['t_so_far'] = t_so_far self.logger['i_so_far'] = i_so_far # Calculate advantage at k-th iteration V, _ = self.evaluate(batch_obs, batch_acts) A_k = batch_rtgs - V.detach() # ALG STEP 5 A_k = (A_k - A_k.mean()) / (A_k.std() + 1e-10) # This is the loop where we update our network for some n epochs for _ in range(self.n_updates_per_iteration): # ALG STEP 6 & 7 # Calculate V_phi and pi_theta(a_t | s_t) V, curr_log_probs = self.evaluate(batch_obs, batch_acts) # Calculate the ratio pi_theta(a_t | s_t) / pi_theta_k(a_t | s_t) # NOTE: we just subtract the logs, which is the same as # dividing the values and then canceling the log with e^log. # For why we use log probabilities instead of actual probabilities, # here's a great explanation: # # TL;DR makes gradient ascent easier behind the scenes. ratios = torch.exp(curr_log_probs - batch_log_probs) # Calculate surrogate losses. surr1 = ratios * A_k surr2 = torch.clamp(ratios, 1 - self.clip, 1 + self.clip) * A_k # Calculate actor and critic losses. # NOTE: we take the negative min of the surrogate losses because we're trying to maximize # the performance function, but Adam minimizes the loss. So minimizing the negative # performance function maximizes it. actor_loss = (-torch.min(surr1, surr2)).mean() critic_loss = nn.MSELoss()(V, batch_rtgs) # Calculate gradients and perform backward propagation for actor network self.actor_optim.zero_grad() actor_loss.backward(retain_graph=True) self.actor_optim.step() # Calculate gradients and perform backward propagation for critic network self.critic_optim.zero_grad() critic_loss.backward() self.critic_optim.step() # Log actor loss self.logger['actor_losses'].append(actor_loss.detach())
def load(env, actor_model)
Load trained model
actor_model : folder path to save the agent
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def load(env, actor_model): """ Load trained model Params ===== actor_model : folder path to save the agent """ # Extract out dimensions of observation and action spaces obs_dim = env.observation_space.shape[0] act_dim = env.action_space.shape[0] # Build our policy the same way we build our actor model in PPO policy = FeedForwardNN(obs_dim, act_dim) # Load in the actor model saved by the PPO algorithm policy.load_state_dict(torch.load(actor_model))
def predict(self, state)
Queries an action from the actor network, should be called from step.
state - the observation at the current timestep
action - the action to take, as a numpy array
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def predict(self, state): """ Queries an action from the actor network, should be called from step. Parameters: state - the observation at the current timestep Return: action - the action to take, as a numpy array """ action, _ = self.get_action(state) return torch.nn.Softmax(dim = 0)(torch.Tensor(action)).numpy()
def save(self)
Saves trained model
Parameters: None
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def save(self): """ Saves trained model Parameters: None """, './ppo_actor.pth'), './ppo_critic.pth')
def step(self)
This is where we collect the batch of data from simulation. Since this is an on-policy algorithm, we'll need to collect a fresh batch of data each time we iterate the actor/critic networks.
batch_obs - the observations collected this batch. Shape: (number of timesteps, dimension of observation) batch_acts - the actions collected this batch. Shape: (number of timesteps, dimension of action) batch_log_probs - the log probabilities of each action taken this batch. Shape: (number of timesteps) batch_rtgs - the Rewards-To-Go of each timestep in this batch. Shape: (number of timesteps) batch_lens - the lengths of each episode this batch. Shape: (number of episodes)
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def step(self): """ This is where we collect the batch of data from simulation. Since this is an on-policy algorithm, we'll need to collect a fresh batch of data each time we iterate the actor/critic networks. Parameters: None Return: batch_obs - the observations collected this batch. Shape: (number of timesteps, dimension of observation) batch_acts - the actions collected this batch. Shape: (number of timesteps, dimension of action) batch_log_probs - the log probabilities of each action taken this batch. Shape: (number of timesteps) batch_rtgs - the Rewards-To-Go of each timestep in this batch. Shape: (number of timesteps) batch_lens - the lengths of each episode this batch. Shape: (number of episodes) """ # Batch data. For more details, check function header. batch_obs = [] batch_acts = [] batch_log_probs = [] batch_rews = [] batch_rtgs = [] batch_lens = [] # Episodic data. Keeps track of rewards per episode, will get cleared # upon each new episode ep_rews = [] t = 0 # Keeps track of how many timesteps we've run so far this batch flag = False count_of_dones = 0 # Keep simulating until we've run more than or equal to specified timesteps per batch while t < self.timesteps_per_batch: ep_rews = [] # rewards collected per episode # Reset the environment. Note that obs is short for observation. obs = self.env.reset() done = False # Run an episode for a maximum of max_timesteps_per_episode timesteps for ep_t in range(self.max_timesteps_per_episode): # If render is specified, render the environment if self.render and (self.logger['i_so_far'] % self.render_every_i == 0) and len(batch_lens) == 0: self.env.render() t += 1 # Increment timesteps ran this batch so far # Track observations in this batch batch_obs.append(obs) # Calculate action and make a step in the env. # Note that rew is short for reward. action, log_prob = self.get_action(obs) action = torch.nn.Softmax(dim = 0)(torch.Tensor(action)).numpy() obs, rew, done, _ = self.env.step(action) # Track recent reward, action, and action log probability ep_rews.append(rew) batch_acts.append(action) batch_log_probs.append(log_prob) # If the environment tells us the episode is terminated, break if done: count_of_dones += 1 flag = True break if flag and count_of_dones % self.print_every == 0: count_of_dones += 1 flag = False print(f'Score at timestep {t}: {sum(ep_rews)}.') # Track episodic lengths and rewards batch_lens.append(ep_t + 1) batch_rews.append(ep_rews) # Reshape data as tensors in the shape specified in function description, before returning batch_obs = torch.tensor(np.array(batch_obs), dtype=torch.float) batch_acts = torch.tensor(np.array(batch_acts), dtype=torch.float) batch_log_probs = torch.tensor(np.array(batch_log_probs), dtype=torch.float) batch_rtgs = self.compute_rtgs(batch_rews) # ALG STEP 4 # Log the episodic returns and episodic lengths in this batch. self.logger['batch_rews'] = batch_rews self.logger['batch_lens'] = batch_lens return batch_obs, batch_acts, batch_log_probs, batch_rtgs, batch_lens