Module AssetAllocator.algorithms.DDPG.DDPG
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import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from .Network import Actor, Critic
from .Replay_Memory import ReplayMemory
from .OU_Noise import OrnsteinUhlenbeckNoise
class DDPGAgent:
"""This is the agent class for the DDPG Agent.
Original paper can be found at
This implementation was adapted from
def __init__(
"""Initializes the DDPG Agent
state_dim (int): State space dimension
action_dim (int): Action space dimension
max_action (int): the max value of the range in the action space (assumes a symmetric range in the action space)
device (str, optional): One of cuda or cpu. Defaults to 'cuda'.
memory_capacity ([type], optional): Size of replay buffer. Defaults to 10_000.
discount (float, optional): Reward discount factor. Defaults to 0.99.
tau (float, optional): Polyak averaging soft updates factor (i.e., soft updating of the target networks). Defaults to 0.005.
sigma (float, optional): Amount of noise to be applied to the OU process. Defaults to 0.2.
theta (float, optional): Amount of frictional force to be applied in OU noise generation. Defaults to 0.15.
actor_lr ([type], optional): Actor's learning rate. Defaults to 1e-4.
critic_lr ([type], optional): Critic's learning rate. Defaults to 1e-3.
train_mode (bool, optional): Training or eval mode flag. Defaults to True.
self.train_mode = train_mode # whether the agent is in training or testing mode
self.state_dim = state_dim # dimension of the state space
self.action_dim = action_dim # dimension of the action space
self.device = device # defines which cuda or cpu device is to be used to run the networks = discount # denoted a gamma in the equation for computation of the Q-value
self.tau = tau # defines the factor used for Polyak averaging (i.e., soft updating of the target networks)
self.max_action = max_action # the max value of the range in the action space (assumes a symmetric range in the action space)
# create an instance of the replay buffer
self.memory = ReplayMemory(memory_capacity)
# create an instance of the noise generating process
self.ou_noise = OrnsteinUhlenbeckNoise(mu=np.zeros(self.action_dim), sigma=sigma, theta=theta)
# instances of the networks for the actor and the critic = Actor(state_dim, action_dim, max_action, actor_lr)
self.critic = Critic(state_dim, action_dim, critic_lr)
# instance of the target networks for the actor and the critic
self.target_actor = Actor(state_dim, action_dim, max_action, actor_lr)
self.target_critic = Critic(state_dim, action_dim, critic_lr)
# initialise the targets to the same weight as their corresponding current networks
# since we do not learn/train on the target networks
# for test mode
if not self.train_mode:
self.ounoise = None
def select_action(self, state):
Function to return the appropriate action for the given state.
During training, it adds a zero-mean OU noise to the action to encourage exploration.
During testing, no noise is added to the action decision.
state (array_like): The current state of the environment as observed by the agent
action: A numpy array representing the noisy action to be performed by the agent in the current state
if not torch.is_tensor(state):
state = torch.tensor([state], dtype=torch.float32).to(self.device)
act = # performs inference using the actor based on the current state as the input and returns the corresponding np array
noise = 0.0
## for adding Gaussian noise (to use, update the code pass the exploration noise as input)
#if self.train_mode:
# noise = np.random.normal(0.0, exploration_noise, size=act.shape) # generate the zero-mean gaussian noise with standard deviation determined by exploration_noise
# for adding OU noise
if self.train_mode:
noise = self.ou_noise.generate_noise()
noisy_action = act + noise
noisy_action = noisy_action.clip(min=-self.max_action, max=self.max_action) # to ensure that the noisy action being returned is within the limit of "legal" actions afforded to the agent; assumes action range is symmetric
return noisy_action
def learn(self, batchsize):
Function to perform the updates on the 4 neural networks that run the DDPG algorithm.
batchsize (int): Number of experiences to be randomly sampled from the memory for the agent to learn from
if len(self.memory) < batchsize:
states, actions, next_states, rewards, dones = self.memory.sample(batchsize, self.device) # a batch of experiences randomly sampled form the memory
# ensure that the actions and rewards tensors have the appropriate shapes
actions = actions.view(-1, self.action_dim)
rewards = rewards.view(-1, 1)
with torch.no_grad():
# generate target actions
target_action = self.target_actor(next_states)
# calculate TD-Target
target_q = self.target_critic(next_states, target_action)
target_q[dones] = 0.0 # being in a terminal state implies there are no more future states that the agent would encounter in the given episode and so set the associated Q-value to 0
y = rewards + * target_q
current_q = self.critic(states, actions)
critic_loss = F.mse_loss(current_q, y).mean()
# actor loss is calculated by a gradient ascent along the crtic, thus need to apply the negative sign to convert to a gradient descent
pred_current_actions =
pred_current_q = self.critic(states, pred_current_actions)
actor_loss = - pred_current_q.mean()
# apply slow-update to the target networks
def soft_update_net(self, source_net_params, target_net_params):
Perform Polyak averaging to update the parameters of the provided network
source_net_params (list): trainable parameters of the source, ie. current version of the network
target_net_params (list): trainable parameters of the corresponding target network
for source_param, target_param in zip(source_net_params, target_net_params): * + (1 - self.tau) *
def soft_update_targets(self):
""" Function that calls Polyak averaging on both target networks """
self.soft_update_net(, self.target_actor.parameters())
self.soft_update_net(self.critic.parameters(), self.target_critic.parameters())
def save(self, path, model_name):
Saves trained model
path(str) : folder path to save the agent's weights
name(str) : name to save the agent's weights
"""'{}/{}_actor'.format(path, model_name))
self.critic.save_model('{}/{}_critic'.format(path, model_name))
def load(self, path, model_name):
Loads trained model
path(str) : folder path to the agent's weights
name(str) : name of the saved agent's weights
"""'{}/{}_actor'.format(path, model_name))
self.critic.load_model('{}/{}_critic'.format(path, model_name))
class DDPGAgent (state_dim, action_dim, max_action, device, memory_capacity=10000, discount=0.99, tau=0.005, sigma=0.2, theta=0.15, actor_lr=0.0001, critic_lr=0.001, train_mode=True)
This is the agent class for the DDPG Agent.
Original paper can be found at
This implementation was adapted from
Initializes the DDPG Agent
- State space dimension
- Action space dimension
- the max value of the range in the action space (assumes a symmetric range in the action space)
, optional- One of cuda or cpu. Defaults to 'cuda'.
, optional- Size of replay buffer. Defaults to 10_000.
, optional- Reward discount factor. Defaults to 0.99.
, optional- Polyak averaging soft updates factor (i.e., soft updating of the target networks). Defaults to 0.005.
, optional- Amount of noise to be applied to the OU process. Defaults to 0.2.
, optional- Amount of frictional force to be applied in OU noise generation. Defaults to 0.15.
, optional- Actor's learning rate. Defaults to 1e-4.
, optional- Critic's learning rate. Defaults to 1e-3.
, optional- Training or eval mode flag. Defaults to True.
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class DDPGAgent: """This is the agent class for the DDPG Agent. Original paper can be found at This implementation was adapted from """ def __init__( self, state_dim, action_dim, max_action, device, memory_capacity=10000, discount=0.99, tau=0.005, sigma=0.2, theta=0.15, actor_lr=1e-4, critic_lr=1e-3, train_mode=True): """Initializes the DDPG Agent Args: state_dim (int): State space dimension action_dim (int): Action space dimension max_action (int): the max value of the range in the action space (assumes a symmetric range in the action space) device (str, optional): One of cuda or cpu. Defaults to 'cuda'. memory_capacity ([type], optional): Size of replay buffer. Defaults to 10_000. discount (float, optional): Reward discount factor. Defaults to 0.99. tau (float, optional): Polyak averaging soft updates factor (i.e., soft updating of the target networks). Defaults to 0.005. sigma (float, optional): Amount of noise to be applied to the OU process. Defaults to 0.2. theta (float, optional): Amount of frictional force to be applied in OU noise generation. Defaults to 0.15. actor_lr ([type], optional): Actor's learning rate. Defaults to 1e-4. critic_lr ([type], optional): Critic's learning rate. Defaults to 1e-3. train_mode (bool, optional): Training or eval mode flag. Defaults to True. """ self.train_mode = train_mode # whether the agent is in training or testing mode self.state_dim = state_dim # dimension of the state space self.action_dim = action_dim # dimension of the action space self.device = device # defines which cuda or cpu device is to be used to run the networks = discount # denoted a gamma in the equation for computation of the Q-value self.tau = tau # defines the factor used for Polyak averaging (i.e., soft updating of the target networks) self.max_action = max_action # the max value of the range in the action space (assumes a symmetric range in the action space) # create an instance of the replay buffer self.memory = ReplayMemory(memory_capacity) # create an instance of the noise generating process self.ou_noise = OrnsteinUhlenbeckNoise(mu=np.zeros(self.action_dim), sigma=sigma, theta=theta) # instances of the networks for the actor and the critic = Actor(state_dim, action_dim, max_action, actor_lr) self.critic = Critic(state_dim, action_dim, critic_lr) # instance of the target networks for the actor and the critic self.target_actor = Actor(state_dim, action_dim, max_action, actor_lr) self.target_critic = Critic(state_dim, action_dim, critic_lr) # initialise the targets to the same weight as their corresponding current networks self.target_actor.load_state_dict( self.target_critic.load_state_dict(self.critic.state_dict()) # since we do not learn/train on the target networks self.target_actor.eval() self.target_critic.eval() # for test mode if not self.train_mode: self.critic.eval() self.ounoise = None def select_action(self, state): """ Function to return the appropriate action for the given state. During training, it adds a zero-mean OU noise to the action to encourage exploration. During testing, no noise is added to the action decision. Parameters --- state (array_like): The current state of the environment as observed by the agent Returns: action: A numpy array representing the noisy action to be performed by the agent in the current state """ if not torch.is_tensor(state): state = torch.tensor([state], dtype=torch.float32).to(self.device) act = # performs inference using the actor based on the current state as the input and returns the corresponding np array noise = 0.0 ## for adding Gaussian noise (to use, update the code pass the exploration noise as input) #if self.train_mode: # noise = np.random.normal(0.0, exploration_noise, size=act.shape) # generate the zero-mean gaussian noise with standard deviation determined by exploration_noise # for adding OU noise if self.train_mode: noise = self.ou_noise.generate_noise() noisy_action = act + noise noisy_action = noisy_action.clip(min=-self.max_action, max=self.max_action) # to ensure that the noisy action being returned is within the limit of "legal" actions afforded to the agent; assumes action range is symmetric return noisy_action def learn(self, batchsize): """ Function to perform the updates on the 4 neural networks that run the DDPG algorithm. Args: batchsize (int): Number of experiences to be randomly sampled from the memory for the agent to learn from """ if len(self.memory) < batchsize: return states, actions, next_states, rewards, dones = self.memory.sample(batchsize, self.device) # a batch of experiences randomly sampled form the memory # ensure that the actions and rewards tensors have the appropriate shapes actions = actions.view(-1, self.action_dim) rewards = rewards.view(-1, 1) with torch.no_grad(): # generate target actions target_action = self.target_actor(next_states) # calculate TD-Target target_q = self.target_critic(next_states, target_action) target_q[dones] = 0.0 # being in a terminal state implies there are no more future states that the agent would encounter in the given episode and so set the associated Q-value to 0 y = rewards + * target_q current_q = self.critic(states, actions) critic_loss = F.mse_loss(current_q, y).mean() self.critic.optimizer.zero_grad() critic_loss.backward() self.critic.optimizer.step() # actor loss is calculated by a gradient ascent along the crtic, thus need to apply the negative sign to convert to a gradient descent pred_current_actions = pred_current_q = self.critic(states, pred_current_actions) actor_loss = - pred_current_q.mean() actor_loss.backward() # apply slow-update to the target networks self.soft_update_targets() def soft_update_net(self, source_net_params, target_net_params): """ Perform Polyak averaging to update the parameters of the provided network Args: source_net_params (list): trainable parameters of the source, ie. current version of the network target_net_params (list): trainable parameters of the corresponding target network """ for source_param, target_param in zip(source_net_params, target_net_params): * + (1 - self.tau) * def soft_update_targets(self): """ Function that calls Polyak averaging on both target networks """ self.soft_update_net(, self.target_actor.parameters()) self.soft_update_net(self.critic.parameters(), self.target_critic.parameters()) def save(self, path, model_name): """ Saves trained model Params ===== path(str) : folder path to save the agent's weights name(str) : name to save the agent's weights """'{}/{}_actor'.format(path, model_name)) self.critic.save_model('{}/{}_critic'.format(path, model_name)) def load(self, path, model_name): """ Loads trained model Params ===== path(str) : folder path to the agent's weights name(str) : name of the saved agent's weights """'{}/{}_actor'.format(path, model_name)) self.critic.load_model('{}/{}_critic'.format(path, model_name))
def learn(self, batchsize)
Function to perform the updates on the 4 neural networks that run the DDPG algorithm. Args: batchsize (int): Number of experiences to be randomly sampled from the memory for the agent to learn from
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def learn(self, batchsize): """ Function to perform the updates on the 4 neural networks that run the DDPG algorithm. Args: batchsize (int): Number of experiences to be randomly sampled from the memory for the agent to learn from """ if len(self.memory) < batchsize: return states, actions, next_states, rewards, dones = self.memory.sample(batchsize, self.device) # a batch of experiences randomly sampled form the memory # ensure that the actions and rewards tensors have the appropriate shapes actions = actions.view(-1, self.action_dim) rewards = rewards.view(-1, 1) with torch.no_grad(): # generate target actions target_action = self.target_actor(next_states) # calculate TD-Target target_q = self.target_critic(next_states, target_action) target_q[dones] = 0.0 # being in a terminal state implies there are no more future states that the agent would encounter in the given episode and so set the associated Q-value to 0 y = rewards + * target_q current_q = self.critic(states, actions) critic_loss = F.mse_loss(current_q, y).mean() self.critic.optimizer.zero_grad() critic_loss.backward() self.critic.optimizer.step() # actor loss is calculated by a gradient ascent along the crtic, thus need to apply the negative sign to convert to a gradient descent pred_current_actions = pred_current_q = self.critic(states, pred_current_actions) actor_loss = - pred_current_q.mean() actor_loss.backward() # apply slow-update to the target networks self.soft_update_targets()
def load(self, path, model_name)
Loads trained model
path(str) : folder path to the agent's weights name(str) : name of the saved agent's weights
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def load(self, path, model_name): """ Loads trained model Params ===== path(str) : folder path to the agent's weights name(str) : name of the saved agent's weights """'{}/{}_actor'.format(path, model_name)) self.critic.load_model('{}/{}_critic'.format(path, model_name))
def save(self, path, model_name)
Saves trained model
path(str) : folder path to save the agent's weights name(str) : name to save the agent's weights
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def save(self, path, model_name): """ Saves trained model Params ===== path(str) : folder path to save the agent's weights name(str) : name to save the agent's weights """'{}/{}_actor'.format(path, model_name)) self.critic.save_model('{}/{}_critic'.format(path, model_name))
def select_action(self, state)
Function to return the appropriate action for the given state. During training, it adds a zero-mean OU noise to the action to encourage exploration. During testing, no noise is added to the action decision. Parameters
state (array_like): The current state of the environment as observed by the agent
- A numpy array representing the noisy action to be performed by the agent in the current state
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def select_action(self, state): """ Function to return the appropriate action for the given state. During training, it adds a zero-mean OU noise to the action to encourage exploration. During testing, no noise is added to the action decision. Parameters --- state (array_like): The current state of the environment as observed by the agent Returns: action: A numpy array representing the noisy action to be performed by the agent in the current state """ if not torch.is_tensor(state): state = torch.tensor([state], dtype=torch.float32).to(self.device) act = # performs inference using the actor based on the current state as the input and returns the corresponding np array noise = 0.0 ## for adding Gaussian noise (to use, update the code pass the exploration noise as input) #if self.train_mode: # noise = np.random.normal(0.0, exploration_noise, size=act.shape) # generate the zero-mean gaussian noise with standard deviation determined by exploration_noise # for adding OU noise if self.train_mode: noise = self.ou_noise.generate_noise() noisy_action = act + noise noisy_action = noisy_action.clip(min=-self.max_action, max=self.max_action) # to ensure that the noisy action being returned is within the limit of "legal" actions afforded to the agent; assumes action range is symmetric return noisy_action
def soft_update_net(self, source_net_params, target_net_params)
Perform Polyak averaging to update the parameters of the provided network
- trainable parameters of the source, ie. current version of the network
- trainable parameters of the corresponding target network
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def soft_update_net(self, source_net_params, target_net_params): """ Perform Polyak averaging to update the parameters of the provided network Args: source_net_params (list): trainable parameters of the source, ie. current version of the network target_net_params (list): trainable parameters of the corresponding target network """ for source_param, target_param in zip(source_net_params, target_net_params): * + (1 - self.tau) *
def soft_update_targets(self)
Function that calls Polyak averaging on both target networks
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def soft_update_targets(self): """ Function that calls Polyak averaging on both target networks """ self.soft_update_net(, self.target_actor.parameters()) self.soft_update_net(self.critic.parameters(), self.target_critic.parameters())