Module AssetAllocator.algorithms.Baselines.mpt

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import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import minimize

class MPT:
    def __init__(self, env):        
        self.env = env

    def get_daily_returns(self, stocks, start, end, source='yahoo'):
        Fetch daily assets' data from source and compute daily log returns.
        Outputs a Pandas DataFrame in which each column has the daily log
        returns of an asset over the period start to end.
            stocks: assets
            start: the start date
            end: the end date
        data = [web.DataReader(s, source, start, end)['Adj Close'] for s in stocks]
        daily_returns = pd.concat(data, axis=1).apply(lambda x: np.log(x/x.shift(1)))
        daily_returns.columns = stocks
        return daily_returns

    def get_stats(self, weights, retvct, covmat):
        Compute portfolio anualized returns, volatility and ret/vol.
            covmat: covariance matrix
        ret =, weights)*252
        std = np.sqrt(,*252, weights)))
        return [ret, std, ret/std]

    def get_stats2(self, rets, weights):
        Same as get_stats, but takes DataFrame with returns as input.
        retvct = rets.mean().to_numpy()
        covmat = rets.cov().to_numpy()   

        return self.get_stats(weights, retvct, covmat)

    def compute_frontier(self, rets, N=30):
        Compute N points on the efficient frontier. 
        An added contraint is that each weight >= 0, i.e., no short selling.
        assert N > 2

        retvct  = rets.mean().to_numpy()
        covmat  =  rets.cov().to_numpy()   

        max_ret = rets.mean().max()*252
        min_ret = get_stats(optimal_volatility(retvct, covmat), retvct, covmat)[0]

        tgt_rets = [min_ret + i*(max_ret-min_ret)/N for i in range(N)]
        weights  = [optimal_returns(retvct, covmat, tgt) for tgt in tgt_rets]
        points   = [get_stats(x, retvct, covmat) for x in weights]

        return weights, points

    def optimal_returns(self, retvct, covmat, tgt):
        Find the optimal weights for the expected return.
        cons = ({'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: np.sum(x) - 1},
                {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x: x},
                {'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: get_stats(x, retvct, covmat)[0] - tgt})

        func = lambda x: get_stats(x, retvct, covmat)[1]

        x0 = [1./len(retvct) for x in retvct]
        return minimize(func, x0, constraints=cons, method='SLSQP').x

    def optimal_volatility(self, retvct, covmat):
        Find the weights for the portfolio with least variance.
        cons = ({'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: np.sum(x) - 1},
                {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x: x})

        func = lambda x: get_stats(x, retvct, covmat)[1]

        x0 = [1./len(retvct) for x in retvct]
        return minimize(func, x0, constraints=cons, method='SLSQP').x

    def optimal_sharpe_ratio(self, retvct, covmat):
        Find the weights for the portfolio with maximized ret/vol (Sharpe Ratio).
        cons = ({'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: np.sum(x) - 1},
                {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x: x})

        func = lambda x: -self.get_stats(x, retvct, covmat)[2]

        x0 = [1./len(retvct) for x in retvct]
        return minimize(func, x0, constraints=cons, method='SLSQP').x

    def optimize(self, rets, opt_type, tgt=None):
        Optimize depending on criteria

        rets: returns
        opt-type: Type of optimization            
        retvct  = rets.mean().to_numpy()
        covmat  =  rets.cov().to_numpy()   

        if opt_type == 'ret':
            return optimal_returns(retvct, covmat, tgt)
        elif opt_type == 'vol':
            return optimal_volatility(retvct, covmat)
        elif opt_type == 'sha':
            return optimal_sharpe_ratio(retvct, covmat)
    def learn(self, daily_returns):
        Trains the agent

            daily_returns: daily returns
        retvct = daily_returns.mean().to_numpy()
        covmat = daily_returns.cov().to_numpy()
        self.weights = self.optimal_sharpe_ratio(retvct, covmat)
    def predict(self, state=None):
        Returns the predicted values
        return np.clip(self.weights, 0, 1)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    stocks = ['MSFT', 'AAPL', 'JNJ', 'JPM', 'GOOG']
    mpt = MPT(stocks)
    daily_returns = mpt.get_daily_returns(stocks, '01/01/2014', '31/12/2016')

    print(mpt.get_stats2(daily_returns, x))


class MPT (env)
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class MPT:
    def __init__(self, env):        
        self.env = env

    def get_daily_returns(self, stocks, start, end, source='yahoo'):
        Fetch daily assets' data from source and compute daily log returns.
        Outputs a Pandas DataFrame in which each column has the daily log
        returns of an asset over the period start to end.
            stocks: assets
            start: the start date
            end: the end date
        data = [web.DataReader(s, source, start, end)['Adj Close'] for s in stocks]
        daily_returns = pd.concat(data, axis=1).apply(lambda x: np.log(x/x.shift(1)))
        daily_returns.columns = stocks
        return daily_returns

    def get_stats(self, weights, retvct, covmat):
        Compute portfolio anualized returns, volatility and ret/vol.
            covmat: covariance matrix
        ret =, weights)*252
        std = np.sqrt(,*252, weights)))
        return [ret, std, ret/std]

    def get_stats2(self, rets, weights):
        Same as get_stats, but takes DataFrame with returns as input.
        retvct = rets.mean().to_numpy()
        covmat = rets.cov().to_numpy()   

        return self.get_stats(weights, retvct, covmat)

    def compute_frontier(self, rets, N=30):
        Compute N points on the efficient frontier. 
        An added contraint is that each weight >= 0, i.e., no short selling.
        assert N > 2

        retvct  = rets.mean().to_numpy()
        covmat  =  rets.cov().to_numpy()   

        max_ret = rets.mean().max()*252
        min_ret = get_stats(optimal_volatility(retvct, covmat), retvct, covmat)[0]

        tgt_rets = [min_ret + i*(max_ret-min_ret)/N for i in range(N)]
        weights  = [optimal_returns(retvct, covmat, tgt) for tgt in tgt_rets]
        points   = [get_stats(x, retvct, covmat) for x in weights]

        return weights, points

    def optimal_returns(self, retvct, covmat, tgt):
        Find the optimal weights for the expected return.
        cons = ({'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: np.sum(x) - 1},
                {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x: x},
                {'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: get_stats(x, retvct, covmat)[0] - tgt})

        func = lambda x: get_stats(x, retvct, covmat)[1]

        x0 = [1./len(retvct) for x in retvct]
        return minimize(func, x0, constraints=cons, method='SLSQP').x

    def optimal_volatility(self, retvct, covmat):
        Find the weights for the portfolio with least variance.
        cons = ({'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: np.sum(x) - 1},
                {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x: x})

        func = lambda x: get_stats(x, retvct, covmat)[1]

        x0 = [1./len(retvct) for x in retvct]
        return minimize(func, x0, constraints=cons, method='SLSQP').x

    def optimal_sharpe_ratio(self, retvct, covmat):
        Find the weights for the portfolio with maximized ret/vol (Sharpe Ratio).
        cons = ({'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: np.sum(x) - 1},
                {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x: x})

        func = lambda x: -self.get_stats(x, retvct, covmat)[2]

        x0 = [1./len(retvct) for x in retvct]
        return minimize(func, x0, constraints=cons, method='SLSQP').x

    def optimize(self, rets, opt_type, tgt=None):
        Optimize depending on criteria

        rets: returns
        opt-type: Type of optimization            
        retvct  = rets.mean().to_numpy()
        covmat  =  rets.cov().to_numpy()   

        if opt_type == 'ret':
            return optimal_returns(retvct, covmat, tgt)
        elif opt_type == 'vol':
            return optimal_volatility(retvct, covmat)
        elif opt_type == 'sha':
            return optimal_sharpe_ratio(retvct, covmat)
    def learn(self, daily_returns):
        Trains the agent

            daily_returns: daily returns
        retvct = daily_returns.mean().to_numpy()
        covmat = daily_returns.cov().to_numpy()
        self.weights = self.optimal_sharpe_ratio(retvct, covmat)
    def predict(self, state=None):
        Returns the predicted values
        return np.clip(self.weights, 0, 1)


def compute_frontier(self, rets, N=30)

Compute N points on the efficient frontier. An added contraint is that each weight >= 0, i.e., no short selling.

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def compute_frontier(self, rets, N=30):
    Compute N points on the efficient frontier. 
    An added contraint is that each weight >= 0, i.e., no short selling.
    assert N > 2

    retvct  = rets.mean().to_numpy()
    covmat  =  rets.cov().to_numpy()   

    max_ret = rets.mean().max()*252
    min_ret = get_stats(optimal_volatility(retvct, covmat), retvct, covmat)[0]

    tgt_rets = [min_ret + i*(max_ret-min_ret)/N for i in range(N)]
    weights  = [optimal_returns(retvct, covmat, tgt) for tgt in tgt_rets]
    points   = [get_stats(x, retvct, covmat) for x in weights]

    return weights, points
def get_daily_returns(self, stocks, start, end, source='yahoo')

Fetch daily assets' data from source and compute daily log returns. Outputs a Pandas DataFrame in which each column has the daily log returns of an asset over the period start to end. Params ====== stocks: assets start: the start date end: the end date

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def get_daily_returns(self, stocks, start, end, source='yahoo'):
    Fetch daily assets' data from source and compute daily log returns.
    Outputs a Pandas DataFrame in which each column has the daily log
    returns of an asset over the period start to end.
        stocks: assets
        start: the start date
        end: the end date
    data = [web.DataReader(s, source, start, end)['Adj Close'] for s in stocks]
    daily_returns = pd.concat(data, axis=1).apply(lambda x: np.log(x/x.shift(1)))
    daily_returns.columns = stocks
    return daily_returns
def get_stats(self, weights, retvct, covmat)

Compute portfolio anualized returns, volatility and ret/vol. Params ====== weights retvct covmat: covariance matrix

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def get_stats(self, weights, retvct, covmat):
    Compute portfolio anualized returns, volatility and ret/vol.
        covmat: covariance matrix
    ret =, weights)*252
    std = np.sqrt(,*252, weights)))
    return [ret, std, ret/std]
def get_stats2(self, rets, weights)

Same as get_stats, but takes DataFrame with returns as input.

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def get_stats2(self, rets, weights):
    Same as get_stats, but takes DataFrame with returns as input.
    retvct = rets.mean().to_numpy()
    covmat = rets.cov().to_numpy()   

    return self.get_stats(weights, retvct, covmat)
def learn(self, daily_returns)

Trains the agent


daily_returns: daily returns
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def learn(self, daily_returns):
    Trains the agent

        daily_returns: daily returns
    retvct = daily_returns.mean().to_numpy()
    covmat = daily_returns.cov().to_numpy()
    self.weights = self.optimal_sharpe_ratio(retvct, covmat)
def optimal_returns(self, retvct, covmat, tgt)

Find the optimal weights for the expected return.

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def optimal_returns(self, retvct, covmat, tgt):
    Find the optimal weights for the expected return.
    cons = ({'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: np.sum(x) - 1},
            {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x: x},
            {'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: get_stats(x, retvct, covmat)[0] - tgt})

    func = lambda x: get_stats(x, retvct, covmat)[1]

    x0 = [1./len(retvct) for x in retvct]
    return minimize(func, x0, constraints=cons, method='SLSQP').x
def optimal_sharpe_ratio(self, retvct, covmat)

Find the weights for the portfolio with maximized ret/vol (Sharpe Ratio).

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def optimal_sharpe_ratio(self, retvct, covmat):
    Find the weights for the portfolio with maximized ret/vol (Sharpe Ratio).
    cons = ({'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: np.sum(x) - 1},
            {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x: x})

    func = lambda x: -self.get_stats(x, retvct, covmat)[2]

    x0 = [1./len(retvct) for x in retvct]
    return minimize(func, x0, constraints=cons, method='SLSQP').x
def optimal_volatility(self, retvct, covmat)

Find the weights for the portfolio with least variance.

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def optimal_volatility(self, retvct, covmat):
    Find the weights for the portfolio with least variance.
    cons = ({'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda x: np.sum(x) - 1},
            {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': lambda x: x})

    func = lambda x: get_stats(x, retvct, covmat)[1]

    x0 = [1./len(retvct) for x in retvct]
    return minimize(func, x0, constraints=cons, method='SLSQP').x
def optimize(self, rets, opt_type, tgt=None)

Optimize depending on criteria


rets: returns opt-type: Type of optimization

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def optimize(self, rets, opt_type, tgt=None):
    Optimize depending on criteria

    rets: returns
    opt-type: Type of optimization            
    retvct  = rets.mean().to_numpy()
    covmat  =  rets.cov().to_numpy()   

    if opt_type == 'ret':
        return optimal_returns(retvct, covmat, tgt)
    elif opt_type == 'vol':
        return optimal_volatility(retvct, covmat)
    elif opt_type == 'sha':
        return optimal_sharpe_ratio(retvct, covmat)
def predict(self, state=None)

Returns the predicted values

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def predict(self, state=None):
    Returns the predicted values
    return np.clip(self.weights, 0, 1)